Audio file Description C. Huffman, Kaw Nation citizen, discusses the general public’s lack of knowledge about Kansas being named for the Kaw and also shares her the importance of recognizing present-day Kaw existence and land-based identity. Transcript “What do you think most people, especially non Indigenous Kansans, do not understand about content history in your homeland?”“Wow. So, you know, when I tell people that I'm Kaw, right and I’m real soft about it, I say, you know, hey, we're Kaw, we're Kanza. Hey, have you heard of the state Kansas? So even if people are from Kansas, and they say, oh, yeah, I'm from Kansas. They don't know. They don't know that's where the name from the name is from. So I would say right, there is an important piece and then that we're still here, and that we belong to that land.“ Topics Listen to "Kansas without the Kanza" audio clips Tags C. Huffman