Dr. Edwards is an award-winning scholar and teacher and the director of JCCC’s Kansas Studies Institute. She is the author of Osage Women and Empire: Gender and Power (University Press of Kansas, 2018), a contributor to Ray and DeSanti, eds. Understanding and Teaching Native American History (University of Wisconsin Press, 2022), and has published in numerous journals including the Journal of American History and Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains. She is a collaborator on numerous projects, including rematriating Iⁿ‘zhúje‘waxóbe (Sacred Red Rock) to the Kaw Nation and Quindaro preservation in Kansas City, Kansas. She serves on the Kansas Association for Native American Education (KANAE) and is a part of a state-level effort to provide resources to K-12 educators on Indigenous history. Address Johnson County Community College 12345 College Blvd OCB 243 Overland Park, KS 66210 United States Email taied@jccc.edu Phone (913) 469-8500 (Ext. 4505)